Workers at Friends of Youth voted overwhelmingly for representation with Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU) Local 8. The group of 125 youth specialists, case managers, therapists, on-call staff, coordinators, administrative staff, facilities and other classifications in Seattle are devoted to providing youth and families with critical services, including shelter, supportive housing, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, housing navigation support, safe place and street outreach, and behavioral health services. They are seeking to ensure greater equity and transparency, and to have the ability to participate more fully in decisions that impact the community they serve.
“I am excited for this new opportunity to work collaboratively with our senior and executive leaders in a way my co-workers have never been allowed to before,” said Eric Tilton, youth specialist. “The staff at Friends of Youth hold so much knowledge about the needs of the youth we serve because of how closely we work with our clients. I am excited for us to finally be able to use that knowledge to advocate for better working conditions for ourselves, as well as better services for our clients.”